Friends, I am about to take a very big upward step in training for my next physical challenge... climbing a mountain!
Last year my sister completed the Pikes Peak Challenge, a 13 mile hike to the summit, to raise funds and awareness for the Brain Injury Association of Colorado. She recently registered and posted on Facebook about recruiting members for her team, and after much deliberation I have signed up!
Now, being a flat-lander in Wisconsin, at a much lower altitude, Pikes Peak's 14,110 feet will be a major challenge for my lungs. Elevation sickness is a possibility. Last year, my sister experienced some unpleasant symptoms after reaching the summit.
What I am more concerned with is my cardiovascular fitness, which will be a big hurdle. When I started this blog approximately one year ago, my goal was to become more fit and get into a regular workout routine. To develop a passion for fitness and working out. An entire year has passed, and I am out of excuses. It's time to be candid and admit to the entire world out there... I have failed. I am not fit. I am still not on a regular routine and horseback riding is the closest thing I do that resembles physical exertion. I still don't like running. Sure, I do housework and yard work and stuff like that, but it's time to get real and commit to a training schedule.
Another commitment that will come with the training will be to this very blog, which has been awfully neglected lately. I plan to log my training, share my triumphs and gripes, and (of course) show you my eats along the way. As I am still working in the music biz, I will keep the backstage pass-esque subject matter and stories coming, especially as we kick off our busy months of planning and concerts. I also look forward to sharing more restaurant and product reviews with all of you out there in the blogosphere.
Of course, all of this will be nothing compared to the plight of traumatic brain injury victims. By registering as a participant for the Challenge, I have committed to raising a minimum of $150 for the cause. More on that later!
Tonight I will be establishing my training plan - a combination of walking, running, strength training and yoga - and will share it with you tomorrow on here. Does anyone have tips on how to train for mountain hiking? Any insight you have will be valuable as I am a total newbie here :-)
Cheers to a new training adventure!